F & I Logging System
What is the system for?
The Autoconnect Finance & Insurance Logging System is here to help Dealers, Dealer Groups and Finance and Insurance providers manage sales data and to ensure that, when required, reporting and analysing that data is no longer a chore, but a valuable tool in measuring business potential and profitability.
The system allows you to store your Finance & Insurance data securely and assess how you are performing against set targets.
Why do we need it?
Finance & Insurance reporting for Dealers and Dealer Groups has often been poor historically in terms of accessibility, consistency, accuracy, depth and speed.
The information gathered weekly on finance reports may not be based on an accountable logging system and is therefore a projection only in most cases. Finance deals that are not proposed or accepted or signed can be included in the figures and may therefore impair the accuracy of available statistics. With the Autoconnect F & I System, only deals that have been successfully completed are reported, ensuring that your figures are both accurate and accountable, deal by deal.
Dealerships may already have a number of on site reporting variants, including certain Manufacturer derived reporting logs, or are simply using basic excel spreadsheets. The disadvantage to these variant systems is an inconsistency of information and reporting methods; some systems only reporting on their own business and not the site’s total transacted business. The Autoconnect system will report on data from any aspect of your Dealership sales figures – providing of course you supply them. The system’s reporting structure is consistent and flexible, allowing you to obtain the exact information you require in a structure you understand.
Most current systems in operation have no facility for remote access for Group or Regional Managers. The Autoconnect F & I System is based around a user hierarchy that allows users at the top of the company to have a clear view of the overall company performance without constant demands on Dealership Staff to obtain or clarify data.
The ability to manage a site’s F & I responsible staff to targeted results is at best hampered by the lack of detailed real time reports – something which the Autoconnect F & I System can provide you with on an ‘up to the second’ basis. Analysing data from a variety of perspectives and saving you time by calculating the relevant performance indicators from your data, in real time. All data input is stored and archived on an ongoing basis, allowing historical access for comparative review.
The ability of the Dealership staff to give an accurate picture of current performance during site visits can also be inconsistent and dependent on local circumstances. With each Dealership using the Autoconnect F & I System, Group Managers are able to obtain an accurate indication of how each Dealership is performing against set targets without having to request the collation of the latest figures from hard copies residing in each department.
With data management, real-time reporting and data-analysis alone it is clear to see why this system will be of great benefit to any Dealership or Dealer Group.